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Best Audio Books


A Carnival Jangle - Alice Dunbar Nelson

{Alice Dunbar Nelson}
[Language: en_us]
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"There is a merry jangle of bells in the air, an all-pervading sense of jester's noise, and the flaunting vividness of royal colours. The streets swarm with humanity,--humanity in all shapes, manners, forms, laughing, pushing, jostling, crowding, a mass of men and women and children, as varied and assorted in their several individual peculiarities as ever a crowd that gathered in one locality since the days of Babel."...

Alice Ruth Moore Dunbar Nelson (1875 - 1935) was an American poet, journalist and political activist. Among the first generation born free in the South after the Civil War, she was one of the prominent African Americans involved in the artistic flourishing of the Harlem Renaissance. Her first husband was the poet Paul Laurence Dunbar; she then married physician Henry A. Callis; and last married Robert J. Nelson, a poet and civil rights activist.

Genre(s): Short Stories
Language: English
Group: Short Story Collections
Read by: Charlene Modeste
Book Coordinator: Ruth Golding

BEST AUDIOBOOKS { BaudBoo } [ Public Domain ] To listen & learn languages like a child
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Autor: Alice Dunbar Nelson
Idioma: en_us
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