
It is better to light a candle than curse the darkness.

Act on a global scale through resources that arouse interest in different groups with different purposes
Explore innovative resources with potential for a transformation always focusing on environmental responsibility.
Educate, share, contribute, stimulate, encourage, promote, sustain, support, ...

What defines our mission?
What motivates us to think that way?

There is one place on this planet that does not require our attention and care.

Wherever we look, we can see that no government agency can solve every problem in their territories.

Thanks to the generosity and willingness of thousands of people, that around the world dedicate their lives to try to help resolve social and environmental problems as well as providing humanitarian assistance in areas affected by natural disasters, the so-called non-governmental organizations environmental responsibility, is that things are not worse.

There are hundreds of thousands of such entities / organizations.

All of them so that they can carry out their actions, have empathy and human generosity, to be able to raise funds able to sustain their projects.
The vast majority of people are sensitized by collections campaigns for them, however, even being empathetic, often does not have the a necessary condition to make some kind of contribution.
For years, in all the work for internet my own, always I dedicated a space to publicize these actions and the need for participation all this process.
I see the Internet as the best chance of realizing a truly effective work in this direction.

I think are over 7 billion people connected and we have a strength, an incredible power to change the way we conduct our world.
social problems such as lack of job opportunities, discrimination of all kinds, poor income distribution, lack of medical care, poor access to education, basic sanitation, food, are just some of the main problems faced by each and every nation.

Millions of people around the world experience difficulties that perhaps many of us can not even imagine, and so overcome such problems in seem impossible.
My current work has been the search for solutions they can alleviate and, if possible, release these NGOs to their tasks for fundraising.


Very simple, I want to set an example for all those who produce some kind of marketable product, whether a commodity or is the provision of service. Showing that you can share part of the income earned from these activities with the institutions worms profit, no matter how much, since he does. If every industry in the world, every company, every professional is responsible to donate, even if only 1% of their net income to these causes, I'm sure we can at least prevent millions of people worldwide die from lack of food, vaccines etc.

A global humanitarian ideal, as never before.

There are many who do this spontaneously, but they are few, demands only grow, since mundias populations are booming and every passing year it just multiplies.
The lack of power, the uncontrolled growth of the population, are extremely important factors for the worsening of this situation.
This uncontrolled growth is affecting the planet endangering all life forms on it.
The oceans are becoming acidified, because of chemical pollutants emitted by industry, hence the marine biome is experiencing a decline very large and fast. Plankton responsible for much of the oxygen we breathe, decreased by around 20% in recent times.

In 100 years, half of life on our planet will cease to exist unless we do something now.
Diseases that had been eradicated in most countries, are resurfacing with an incredible speed, particularly in countries abandoned by rest of the world, the so-called 3rd world countries. For those who think that is a distant problem, it is good to review these concepts, because we are in a globalized world, both by the media, as transport. For an epidemic becomes a pandemic today is easier than 50 years ago.
We are in the 21st century, and we still see children dying of measles in Africa, worse, starving; while countries like the United States are dealing with a problem totally opposite, unlimited access to food causing morbid obesity.
I do not pretend to solve all these problems, just have a deep desire to change the concepts and the way we have done things.
I am well aware that the basis for this is knowledge, and that this is underpinned by education; as mentioned earlier, an example is, in my view, the best way to educate. It's possible impact, but for that there must be cooperation, so that this type of action becomes known to millions of people.
If today there is a company that just like me, declare and label their products stating his attitude to realize the sharing of income as I propose, I sure will give preference to those products. Nowadays, there are many companies that have dedicated many resources to social and environmental responsibility actions, but is also very common, realize that are focal, and also many of them are just marketing strategies.

Helping those who help, that's the philosophy.

My work is an independent work, it overshadowed by the economic power of large companies operating in the same sector, does not have relevant numbers that allow prove its efficiency.
However, anyone with a minimum of willingness and ability of observation, you can clearly see the potential of this innovative venture.
Today my job is to maintain and expand a web system that initially started to develop (end of 2014) as a complementary resource for teaching/learning.
With the passage of time and the progress of work, I began to develop games for them to be used as resources to attract a specific audience which by the way is the fastest growing among all consumer markets, a market that does not feel or close any effect caused by poor performance of any economy.

When commercially disponibilizei my first game, I started parallel to pay more attention to some information related to the subject; that's when I began to realize the economic potential of these products.
By analyzing games similar to mine, I realized that everyone has a huge capacity to generate income, millions of people consuming this kind of product. Players numbers vary greatly from game to game, due to the type and the fact that they are known or not. The truth is that any one of my games can at least have some hundreds of thousands of people playing every day.

Today, worldwide, about more than 1 billion people use games as a daily pleasure.
I know of no company, no other independent developer like me, who intends to share the income from their products as I am doing, even without having yet gained almost nothing for it.
Even if I stay alone in this endeavor, and when not, my games are around the planet, know that I will be able to save hundreds of thousands of lives through donations that will make for institutions such as the Doctors Without Borders, one NGO which I follow from that resides in Portugal, where met his work.

I believe in me and in my work, I know that mathematically it is quite feasible.

There are basically two ways you can earn income with my works:
Sales and monetization.
  • Marketing - Games sold at affordable prices to enable every person to obtain a copy.
  • monetization - games, for free distribution in that display advertisements that can generate income by the number of views, this process extends to the site (web system) that can be included in all resources.
Americans spend two hours and 19 minutes per day with applications, which means million daily views in advertisements for "free" resources.
Here in Brazil, when we do a little research on consumption, anything, in just 5 minutes we learn that:
  • In a recent survey of about 2678 people, an e-commerce site, points out that half the Brazilians who play regularly now about 45 million , spend on average until R $ 150 per month games. Filmography So we're talking about R $ 3,375,000,000.00 / month -> R $ 40,500,000,000.00 / year only with digital games.
  • The sale of toys and games moves R $ 6.6 billion per year in Brazil
  • Brazilians spend more than R $ 20 billion in salons .

So you can imagine the following situation:
Our main game is the series ZoomBee , a simple game, but challenging, containing 30 levels to be met. It was especially designed for the fun, however, has a very important role within the entire context of our system, which is to serve as a resource to challenge players to perform other activities on the site, and just play.
These activities (tasks) are intellectual challenges based on the themes of the games.
One of its main features is the ability to participate in their own ranking, which associated the "tasks" (which also have a special ranking as an incentive to participate) do educational work proposed by the system. This game template has 3 versions initially had significant differences between them, as the phase boundary, but all are now leveled it.
  • Free - Contains advertisements monetized and not allowed to participate in the ranking.
  • Full Ads - Contains advertisements and allows participation in the Ranking.
  • Full - There is no kind of monetization through advertising and participates in the ranking.

With only these three versions imagine that in full use, we could raise funds that would be able to save some lives, I can not say for sure how much, but I believe that hundreds, perhaps thousands.
Google releases payments after $ 100.00 accumulation, that is to say, so we can take possession of the amounts collected will need a good handling these accounts. But see that cool, with this accumulated value, we can already imagine the following situation: A vaccine against Measles, which is now costing about $ 0.50, net of costs and charges, we believe that we will be available for donations of about $ 30.00 which represents 60 children vaccinated.

Worth knowing

Price of vaccines has increased 2700% in the last decade
Survey of the NGO Doctors Without Borders shows what was once possible to immunize children R $ 3 are now more than R $ 85
A survey of the French humanitarian organization Doctors Without Borders (MSF) indicates that the overall price of the basic package of vaccination for children has risen 2700% in the last decade. In part, because the number of immunizations recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO) increased from six to 11, but also due to the two new vaccines price disparity.
Ten years ago, says MSF, it was possible to immunize a child with $ 1.37 (about 3.05 reais). Today, 11 out vaccines for $ 38.80 (about 86.52 reais). The prices used as a basis for the survey are obtained by the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization (GAVI), a partner organization of the World Health Organization (WHO) that assists the governments of poor countries to achieve the lowest overall vaccine prices.
published 07.21.2013
Source: http://www.cartacapital.com.br/sociedade/precos-das-vacinas-aumentou-2700-na-ultima-decada-3994.html
In January, MSF released a report entitled "The right dose: breaking down barriers to accessible and appropriate vaccines", which showed that in the poorest countries, the price to vaccinate a child is currently 68 times more expensive than in 2011 , and many regions of the world can not afford the new and high costs of vaccines, such as fighting pneumococcal disease, which kills about one million children a year .
"As doctors we have seen many children die of pneumonia, struggling to breathe, we are asking anyone who cares about the lives of children to join us in our public order Pfizer and GSK to ensure that developing countries can afford the costs to all protect their babies against this deadly disease " said Dr. Greg Elder, MSF director of operations in Paris. "The high prices charged by Pfizer and GSK for pneumococcal vaccine prevents many governments and humanitarian organizations to vaccinate children. After observing the cost of vaccinating a child to increase substantially over the past decade, we have no alternative but to act immediately. "
Source: http://www.msf.org.br/noticias/msf-lanca-campanha-global-para-reduzir-o-preco-de-vacina-em-paises-em-desenvolvimento

MSF vaccine more than ten million children every year from diseases such as measles and meningitis and most recently pneumococcal disease.

In countries where vaccination coverage is generally low, MSF battle to offer routine vaccinations for all children under five years as part of the basic health care program. In the program, they are included vaccines recommended by the World Health Organization: DTP (diphtheria, tetanus and whooping cough), hepatitis B, Hemophilius influenzae type b (Hib), BCG (against tuberculosis), human papillomavirus, measles, rotavirus and polimielite.
Source: http://www.msf.org.br/o-que-fazemos/atividades-medicas/vacinacao

As you may have noticed, we could write terabytes of reasons and arguments, but we do not need, because they are there, in plain sight, in every corner.

In just three years we can save about 3 million children, only with vaccines.

This is an impact of work GLOBAL, with absolute certainty that will change the world forever, a new way, with new attitudes. Just need you to believe as I believe, that's all.

If you are interested in a great idea, this is huge.

While all this does not come true, millions of children, animals and plants will die this year alone. The pollution will increase, more species will become extinct. Think about it.

Now think also, when this revolution in responsibly consumption and marketing of goods and services begin to stir social networks and begin to spread across the internet, large companies, say, the giants such as Coca-Cola, Nestle, General Motors, Shell, breweries, airlines, bus companies, drug labs, textile industry, food industry etc. Which One Will not feel embarrassed for not designating a portion of their net profits?

Coca-Cola, for example, sales of R $ 17.7 billion in Brazil in 2010 and sales rise 11%.
The company reported consolidated net income of US $ 5.784 billion between October and December 2010

Got it?

Brazil - 2010 - three months .

A company with environmental responsibility but with small actions done only through his Institute, which probably derives from taxes.
For us it is inadmissible to assume that 1% of the population is the owner of half of all the money circulating in the planet.

Only 68 people are owners of 30% of the world's money, while children die for lack of a vaccine to US $ 0.50; amines, such as sharks, are being decimated for groups of people to savor a soup with their fins. Are 100,000 sharks each year. A plate of this soup can cost up to $ 100 in restaurants.

Stingrays blankets are being sacrificed just because a small part of their gigantic bodies.
Note that the work is in addition to raising funds for maintenance NGOs with direct action, but also to carry out a complex educational work can influence many people in the way leads to life and how individual behavior can affect each of us.

One of our games just for the awareness campaign.
Kebrakoko RacingExtinction


As you may have noticed, this is an independent family enterprise, all products until now, have been created and are available only with our financial resources reserve.

The proposed model for income generation is mixed, which offer forms of donations achievements beyond the "marketing" (sales and monetization) of the products we create.
Recently launched a crowdfunding campaign (Kickante), the title emergency to raise a sum with which we believe that we could "safe" for a while longer, fulfilling our duties and investing in equipment that will allow us to expand our area of ​​operation.
Our campaign - resources for environmental responsibility

The development of digital games for various platforms, requires equipment and software so that they can make their distributions, such as the Apple Store, which requires files to be generated on a Macintosh computer and hence testing should be performed on iPhones. For the Windows Store, a computer with at least version 8 of its operating system is necessary, but it also requires a computer with better settings than we currently use with Windows XP.
software license acquisition to facilitate the production of material is very important. As well as, conducting publicity campaigns.
We are absolutely sure that this work will grow very quickly, and that will become a grand NGOs and international importance (global)

There is no lack in ideas, nor will and disposal.

What is lacking is their support, understanding and willingness to cooperate

* We need volunteers to help us with translations, mainly to English, our web system is designed to be translated into any language, after all, we think really big.

We just want an opportunity, that moment is an emergency for the maintenance of all this investment we are making independently more than one year.

This is a family work consists of 3 persons:
I Marcos, training of health professional, with over 15 years of experience in clinical care. Since 2001 involved in developing web systems and distance education, an area in which I became expert and I have worked since. Valquiria, my beloved wife and companion, also Surgeon Dentist and also specializes in distance learning; Karen and our daughter 23-year-old, who devotes much of his time in search of ideas and themes for creating games, working daily on their channel on youtube, TwitchTV, azubo etc. Creating materials based games.

3 people who decided to undertake a major transformation that could benefit mankind (#owpogabetterworld)(#gamestosavelives).

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